Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Speech

This was it! The last speech for COM1010. I probably did a little less work for my topic on Bottled Water, since it is simpler than String Theory. At first I was concerned about my particular topic. I thought
"Would this be too boring?", "Everyone already knows about this!"
But in the end, I decided to just go for it since the issue needs to readdressed anyway.

Starting off, I think I had a great introduction. "Green is not just a color anymore.."
I think most people realized, that that was an impromptu beginning. I decided at the last minute to change the intro, and I stuttered just a little bit. Afterward, the speech came to me a bit better, and I delivered quite well. My voice was loud and clear, even though I was still sick from the day before.
The powerpoint definitely helped my presentation from being too dry and lackluster. The powerpoint probably stimulated the audience's minds so that they would pay more attention to the speech, and thereby getting the point across.
As for the body of the speech, I felt it was too short. I probably could have incorporated more facts and figures and immediate impacts that purchasing bottled water and not recycling afterward would have had. Finally, my ending was short and simple.
Perhaps the class was glad i wrapped up so quickly on such a tedious topic!

Since my speech was under the 5 minute mark, it probably equals points off.
Overall, I think my grade would probably be a B+

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